On the outside, your life looks really good on paper. But under the surface, you’re struggling and wondering when this life you worked so hard to build will actually start feeling good on the inside.
A six week healing program for immigrant and first generation women to revitalize their most important relationships and transform old patterns that keep them stuck.
Any of this sound familiar?
You give and give and never have time for yourself.
You often feel guilty for disappointing others, especially your parents or your partner.
You grew up with tías or aunties giving you unsolicited opinions and judgments about your life.
You find it very hard to confront when a loved one does or says something that bothers you.
You are so worried about making others’ comfortable that you don’t notice your own discomfort.
You often feel stuck in an endless cycle of depletion, resentment and guilt, and then self-judgment for feeling the way you feel.
You put others’ needs before your own and even though you intellectually know “self-care” is supposed to be good for you, the truth is that prioritizing yourself feels selfish.
You learned that your worthiness comes from your productivity and achievement and what others think of you.
You are so afraid of being judged because you “should” feel more grateful for everything you do have, especially after all the sacrifices your family made for you to have these opportunities.
The truth is that your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship in your life.
You are smart, accomplished and successful, but this is something they didn’t teach us at school or at home. I will break down the essential ingredients that create truly satisfying relationships.
As immigrant and first generation women we carry blueprints and experiences that are impacting us and our relationships, and often remain out of our awareness.
We will shine a supportive light on these patterns and realize you are not alone on this journey, there are so many of us struggling with similar things!
I learned this the hard way and I want to show you how to deeply transform your relationship with yourself, with all parts of you, and then to enjoy the ripple effect that will have in all your other relationships.
Imagine if you could….
Take a girls’ weekend to recharge without beating yourself up
Say ‘no’ to a loved one without feeling guilty
Feel calm and confident while giving honest feedback to a family member
Give yourself permission to get a babysitter so you have time to take a nap
After completing this program:
You’re going to discover how solid, grounded and peaceful you can feel on the inside, even when things or people around you are stressful.
You will unburden from the heavy pressure and guilt that’s been weighing you down, and feel more ease and lightness.
You will experience deeper trust in yourself and your choices.
You will learn how to reconnect to your authentic self, and how to relate to your loved ones in ways that feel much more satisfying.
You will practice slowing down, enjoying and truly savoring the life you are creating for yourself.
You will realize that you were never the problem, the blueprint you learned was the problem. It’s like a fish in water finally being able to see the water. We all have unique blueprints from childhood baked into us and until we see them they continue to operate out of our awareness.
You will learn to intentionally reprogram outdated default settings and upgrade to what serves you in the life you have now.
Hi, I’m Jazmín
I was born in Peru and my family immigrated to the U.S. when I was 14 years old. I grew up feeling the pressure to be one of those “good” immigrants who deserve to be here. Believing the stories that my worthiness was based on my accomplishments, outward measures of success and other peoples’ opinions. I spent years striving, doing the next thing that was expected of me.
I eventually walked toward my own path, stepped away from being a “good girl” and did my work to become an authentic woman. I learned to connect to my inner wisdom, find my voice, set boundaries, and to have the courage to be vulnerable and ask for what I need.
I created this program to give you the map I wish I’d had when I started my healing journey. This is for women who get what it’s like to be raised by immigrant parents and to grow up between two cultures, feeling too much of this and not enough of that.
If I could go back in time I would tell my younger self that there is an essential sacred space inside myself that needs to be cultivated, a place that I can always come back to where I hold myself with unconditional love, compassion and warmth, through any storm.
What we do in Rewire your Relationships:
Each 75 minute weekly session will take place live on Zoom (make sure you have privacy and a good internet connection and access to a webcam)
The program will include small group discussion, a time for questions and coaching during sessions.
There will be a maximum of 8 people in each cohort to ensure everyone gets the most out of the process.
The program includes an optional 1-hour 1:1 session with me for additional support.
The program will be queer-and trans- inclusive
Dates and Times:
The program will start in Fall 2024. Click below to join the waitlist and you will be notified as soon as registration opens.
The live Zoom sessions will be held on Wednesdays from 2pm to 3:15pm. (A recording will be available if you are unable to make it live)